Recent Events
April 2024
Award - Congratulations to Lina for being awarded Canadian Institutes of Health Research CGS-M award.
Award - Congratulations to Marry for being award the EPIC Doctoral Award
April 2023
Award - Congratulations to Linus, Ojas and Charlie for winning the NSERC Undergraduate Student Research Award
Award - Congratulations to Boyan for winning the CAG PhD student fellowship and the TRIANGLE fellowship.
Award - Congratulations to Shawn and Adrienne for receiving Poster Prizes at CDDW 2023
December 2022
Article - Congratulations to Derek for his publication in Gut Microbes, investigating the impact of microbes on the intestinal epithelium.
August 2022
Article - Congratulations to Sam for his publication in Molecular Cell characterizing the role of NLRX1 in mitophagy.
May 2022
Lab News - Congratulations to Tapas, who was awarded a CIHR Post-Doctoral Fellowship.
Lab News - Congratulations to Bana, Courie, Lauren, Marry and Ryan who were awarded the Canada Graduate Scholarships Masters Awards. Congratulations!
May 2021
Lab News - Shawn Goyal was awarded a Frederick Banting and Charles Best Canada Graduate Scholarship Doctoral Fellowship. Congratulations Shawn!
November 2020
Article - Congratulations to Shawn, Derek and Charles for publishing their review on “The microbiota’s contribution to intestinal epithelial homeostasis”
Article - Tapas and Mena teamed up with Valeria Ramaglia from the Gommerman lab for a study on HRI and proteotoxic stress that was just released in J. Biol. Chem.
October 2020
Article - Congratulations to Sam for the publication of a comprehensive review article on mitophagy, entitled “Mitophagy pathways in health and disease” published recently in the Journal of Cell Biology.
Lab news - We are very happy to welcome Boyan Tsankov as a new PhD student in the Philpott lab, starting in Oct 2020.
July 2020
Lab News - Nayanan Nathan was awarded a Banting & Best Diabetes Centre-Novo Nordisk Studentship for 2020-1. Congratulations Nayanan!
Lab News - We are delighted to welcome Adrienne Ranger and Paul Bi as new graduate students in the Girardin lab, starting in Sept 2020.
Article - Nate and Sam contributed the manuscript “An optimized procedure for quantitative analysis of mitophagy with the mtKeima system using flow cytometry”, which was just accepted for publication in Biotechniques. Congrats to both of you!
May 2020