Philpott Lab
Dana Philpott is a Professor in the Department of Immunology at the University of Toronto and co-director of the Canadian Foundation for Innovation / Ontario Research Fund- Host-Microbiome Research Network, where she has established the first gnotobiotic (germ-free) mouse facility in Toronto. She obtained her BSc at the University of Calgary and then moved to Toronto to complete her PhD at the University of Toronto, in what was the Department of Microbiology, which was later merged with Molecular Genetics. Here, she worked on the pathogenesis of disease-causing Enteropathogenic Escherichia coli, which are the bacteria associated with hemorrhagic colitis and hemolytic uremic syndrome. Her supervisor was Dr. Phil Sherman, who is a gastroenterologist at the Hospital for Sick Children.
Because of her interest in further exploring host-pathogen interactions, Dr. Philpott began her post-doctoral training at the Institut Pasteur in Paris, France, under the supervision of Dr. Philippe Sansonetti. Dr. Sansonetti was responsible for the forging of a new discipline of microbiology, termed “cellular microbiology”, where the science of how pathogenic microorganisms hijack host cell functions is explored. Dr. Philpott studied host responses to Shigella flexneri, the cause of bacilliary dysentery and a major infectious agent leading to endemic diarrhea in developing countries. During her time as a post-doctoral fellow, Dr. Philpott discovered how this bacterium initiated inflammatory responses in infected epithelial cells.
Dr. Philpott was one of the first scientists in France to be recruited to a new program of young group leaders at the Institut Pasteur. Working with her now partner, Dr. Stephen Girardin, she explored innate immunity and contributed to the discovery of Nod proteins, which are cytosolic innate immune receptors triggered by bacterial ligands, specifically, motifs within the cell wall constituent, peptidoglycan. She was recruited to the University of Toronto’s Department of Immunology in 2006.
Current interests
Pathogenesis of Crohn’s disease
Research in my laboratory employs animal models of inflammatory bowel disease and considers how innate immunity and the microbiome shape the immune response within the intestine. Specifically, we study how Crohn’s disease associated genes, specifically, NOD2, ATG16L1 and LRRK2 are linked to intestinal homeostasis.
NOD1 and NOD2 in infection and immunity: links with colorectal cancer
Our earlier work uncovered the ligands for NOD1 and NOD2 and we have studied over the years how triggering of these receptors help to defend against infection and also how they contribute to shaping the immune response. Most recently, our group has been exploring how Nod proteins influence the regulatory immune environment and contribute to tumor progression through modulation of the tumor microenvironment.
Microbiota-host cross talk
The gut microbiota has an unprecedented influence on disease phenotypes in mouse models. Diet is likely the biggest driver on how the composition of the microbiota develops over time, while most genetic influences are likely negligible. Our studies are investigating how manipulation of the composition of the gut microbiota through antibiotic use, infection and diet may impact disease outcomes and alter immune homeostasis in the intestine.
Microbiota, obesity and type 2 diabetes:
With current collaborations with Drs. Herb Gaisano and Johane Allard, our group is examining how the microbiota from obese patients undergoing bariatric surgery transplanted into germ-free mice can influence gut homeostasis and result in the development of metabolic dysfunction. This work aims to identify microbes or their metabolites that might alter host metabolism through modulating the gut immune system.
Lab Members
Tapas Mukherjee, Post-Doc
I am investigating how genetic mutations (NOD2 and ATG16L1) contribute to the pathogenesis of Crohn's Disease (CD), a chronic idiopathic inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). Particularly, I aim to understand the cellular and molecular basis of CD progression.
Jitender Yadav, Post-Doc
My work in the lab focuses on gaining mechanistic insights into the impact of gut microbiome on host physiology and metabolism
Jessica Bruce, Post-Doc
My work examines the role of inflammasomes in the gastrointestinal epithelium, with a current focus on the non-canonical inflammasome.
Derek Tsang, PhD Candidate
Investigating host-microbe interactions in the small intestine under homeostasis and during tissue regeneration.
Alexander Luchak, PhD Candidate
Exploring the role of diet in early life on gut microbiome and immune development, including in the context of inflammatory bowel disease risk factors.
Nayanan Nathan, PhD Candidate
I’m studying how the microbiome impacts host metabolism and immunity in the context of obesity using humanized mice models.
Giuliano Bayer, PhD Candidate
My PhD project primarily focuses on establishing a defined mouse gut microbiota community. The synthetic biology approach will serve as a tool to study how bacteria linked to Crohn’s disease impact disease development
Boyan Tsankov, PhD Candidate
I study the myeloid determinants of intestinal T-cell memory
Lauren Baerg, PhD Candidate
My work focuses on investigating host-microbe interactions in the gut and leveraging these mechanisms towards the development of novel therapeutic strategies for Crohn’s disease.
Noor Alsmadi, PhD Student
My project focuses on developing and utilizing in silico genome-scale metabolic modelling strategies to study and optimize the metabolism of defined gut bacterial communities in vivo.
Victoria Visser, MSc Student
Oliver De Sa, MSc
Madie Denney, MSc
I am investigating the effects of the gut microbiome on tumour development.
Elaine Tam, Lab manager
I manage the general operation of the Philpott and Girardin labs. I also ensure that the germ free facility at DCM remains germ free and maintain multiple mouse lines.
Previous Lab Members
Dr. Lionel Le Bourhis, PhD
Assistant Professor
Intestinal Immunity in Inflammation and Cancer
Dr. Mathew Sorbara, PhD
Assistant Professor
Department of Molecular and Cellular Biology
University of Guelph
Dr. Kavi Ramjeet, PhD
Head of Business Intelligence Unit
Dr. David Prescott, PhD
Research Scientist
Health Products and Food Branch
Health Canada
Dr. Charles Maisonneuve, PhD
Senior Consultant
SAI-Med Partners
Bana Samman, MSc
Doctor of Medicine Student
University of Toronto